One Terroir

Seven singular parcels in the Alto Maipo valley

The Don Melchor Vineyard has played an important role in the modern history of Chilean wine. Set at the foot of the Andes Mountains, on the northern banks of the Maipo River in the Maipo Valley—650 meters above sea level—the vineyard dates back to the mid-19th century, when the first French varieties were imported prior to the phylloxera outbreak in Europe.

The Don Melchor Vineyard has soils that are poor in nutrients but diverse in their structure, with a broad range of clay, silt, sand, gravel, and round stones as a result of the millennia of erosion caused by glaciers that advanced from the mountains toward the valley, transporting material that gave rise to different terraces on the northern and southern banks of the Maipo River.

The soils ensure good drainage and low fertility, which restricts plant growth and encourages the accumulation and maturation of phenolic compounds.

Another important factor is the natural balance reached in the Alto Maipo Valley due to the influence of the Andes. The Don Melchor Vineyard is located precisely in one of the coldest zones of the Alto Maipo, which is expressed through a broad daily temperature oscillation throughout the year and through cool breezes during the ripening period, which helps ventilate the vineyard and produce grapes with more pronounced acidity and fresh red fruit as well as a greater concentration of colour and aromas.

Puente Alto’s Andean climate is semi-arid Mediterranean, with an annual rainfall of 350 mm and an average annual temperature of 14.4ºC

The vineyard today consists of 127 hectares, carefully divided into seven parcels, of which roughly 90 per cent hold Cabernet Sauvignon vines, with 7.1 per cent Cabernet Franc, 1.9 per cent Merlot and the final one 1 per cent growing Petit Verdot grapes. The Cabernet Sauvignon vines average more than 30 years of age and correspond to a selection originally brought over from Bordeaux at the end of the 19th Century.

The expression of each individual parcel